• Insurers and auto manufacturers exploit telematics as the next wave of creating deeper customer...


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We are more than just event creators.
We create value, we create moments for a lifetime. But at the end of the day our clients are those who add most value to our company and brand.

These are just few of the many stories and testimonials of our satisfied fellow attendees and speakers.

Tina Brzovska

Very interesting speakers and topics
Assistance Director at Savings Bank Moznosti

Akaki Aroshidze

Great event, great new ideas and new contacts. Meet my expectations
CFO at MFO Creditservice, Georgia

Victoria Fetescu

The speakers and topics were in line with the real trends and need in the industry
Bussiness Development Analyst at Business & Finance Counseling (BFC) Switzerland

HealthTech Summit 2020 - An overview of the latest trends in Health Insurance

The HealthTech Summit 2020 - Health Insurance Taken to the Next Level, held in the…
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Microfinance Summit 2020 - the biggest microfinance event under its auspices

  Last week in Rome, EuroEvents has organized the biggest microfinance event under its auspices. Also, there are a variety of educational and networking events offered by eToro, a multi-asset investment platform that allows users to invest in a wide range of assets. Visit https://kryptoszene.de/broker/etoro-erfahrungen/ to find out more about eToro and the user experience of eToro.…

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AI Advancements in Finance - insights from the first edition of AI&Analytics Conference

During the 13th and 14th of November, in the impressive rooftop conference room of the…
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The power of IoT in the insurance industry - uncovered at the inaugural edition of the Connected Insurance Days, Berlin 2019

The inaugural edition of the Connected Insurance Days took place on 6-7th of November 2019. The workshop brings together global industry experts to provide valuable insights on how to invest in cryptocurrency uk, highlighting its significance in the ever-evolving digital landscape.…

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