AI Advancements in Finance - insights from the first edition of AI&Analytics Conference

During the 13th and 14th of November, in the impressive rooftop conference room of the Radisson Blu Hotel, we inaugurated the first edition of the AI & Analytics: The Power of AI in Business Conference.…
AI Advancements in Finance - insights from the first edition of AI&Analytics Conference

During the 13th and 14th of November, in the impressive rooftop conference room of the Radisson Blu Hotel, we inaugurated the first edition of the AI & Analytics: The Power of AI in Business Conference.

AI has become a focus for consumers, institutions and regulators globally. As new capabilities and models emerge, it is important for institutions to understand how they can take advantage of each new development. And while Artificial Intelligence is not the answer to everything, in a hyper-competitive society, smart tools and innovative approaches can make a huge difference in changing the game in terms of customer experience, cutting costs, productivity gains, or greater good. However, while the pressure to stay ahead is rising, it is critical that this is done in a responsible way. Consumers are understanding the importance of the security of their data and how it is being used, and institutions are aware that new advantages can also create new potential liabilities.

Machine learning, IoTs, Deep Learning, Big Data, Virtual Assistants, are not only “buzzing words”, but true change drivers, planting in our everyday life. Understanding and leveraging their impact is what more and more companies opt to do, racing not to be left behind. With Artificial Intelligence passing off the hype cloud, it’s time to unlock its true potential. The promise of AI lies in creating business value.

The purpose of this Conference was to showcase the most sensitive perspectives to take into consideration while adopting the AI; to provide deep understanding on how it can enhance and transform the Business, with special focus on the latest developments, possibilities, future aspects, and success stories within the field of Finance.

Our speakers and delegates exchanged personal experiences, use cases, applicative solutions and trends to keep an eye on, on the following topics:


• Responsible and ethical adoption of AI;
• Awareness of risks and privacy issues;
• AI for enhancing overall business performance;
• Market-leading AI to improve customer and employee experience;
• Automation;
• Transformation in financial services;
• Detection and prevention of fraud and anomalies;
• Benefits and usage of predictive analytics;
• The future of work with AI.


At the beginning of Day I, we also hosted the representative from the European Commission, who was presenting the EU strategy towards adopting and developing AI, with an overview of the next steps, policies, research and funding opportunities.

Day two started with interesting comparison with the advancements in the health industry and conclusions that the cross-industry collaboration is necessary for better understanding of the impact of the technology and how to join the human intelligence with machines for amazing results.
We would like to thank everyone who joined us during these two interesting days. We would like to thank our speakers for their amazing presentations and for the support of our partners.